By Michelle Favalora and Giuseppina Chiaramonte
The Hoffman Agency, San Jose
The Council of PR Firms will be holding an event on Tuesday, November 5th called “Take Flight in Public Relations,” offering a chance for Northern California students to learn a little bit about the PR industry.
Inspired by this, we’ve decided to take a moment to reflect on the PR professional’s day.
From the moment we wake to the moment we sleep, here’s a little bit of what it’s like to be working in PR.
1. We wake with grand expectations.
The Wall Street Journal is definitely getting back to us today.

2. Tempered by stark reality.
57 emails and not one from The Wall Street Journal.

3. Still, we take courage in liquid form.
’Cause the day’s only just getting started …

4. And face minor crises before 10 a.m.
Handled it.

5. Brainstorm sessions are kind of like …

6. And picking your next project feels like …

7. But it’s OK. Caffeine will pull us through.

8. Even when the boss asks for a blog post by EOD …

9. 15 To-Do’s? More like 15 To-DONE’s!
10. And then The Wall Street Journal replies.
(Pretty sure we’re going to become BFFs)

11. By the end of the day, we feel a little like this …

12. But it’s all worth it if we can make clients feel like this …