
This Week in PR: November 20, 2015

This Week in PR

What do fashion and social media have in common? What’s your PR resolution this year? Which contestant are you in the blogger relations “dating” game? Check out the Hoffman team’s favorite PR blog posts and articles from this week:

  1. It’s impossible to browse the Internet for five minutes without running into some current presidential campaign news. But how were campaigns run in the past year? PR Newser shares 175 years of presidential PR in an informative infographic that runs through the winning presidential slogans from William Henry Harrison to Barack Obama. From “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” to the simple “Forward,” it is interesting to see what phrases have won the nation’s heart in the past. Guess we will have to wait until 2016 to see what political messaging works in today’s world.
  1. The New Year is almost here, and that means resolutions galore! Many PR agencies take this time to reflect on their relationships with their clients. PR Daily shows how every PR professional can successfully navigate the client-agency relationship. Most clients want to be the agency’s creative partner and collaborator, just as they want to feel like their ideas are being heard as well as professionally executed. Simply spewing your great ideas at them isn’t enough. Yes, being prepared is expected, but a successful new business presentation relies on both presenting and listening.
  1. As a PR professional with access to tons of technology and new ideas, you may want to try a complicated, never-been-done strategy. But sometimes the best thing to do is to keep it simple. The Cision PR Blog knows this and has given its readers 10 ideas to simplify their PR. It can be easy to get caught up in the ideas, but reassessing the big picture is one of the most important things to do when brainstorming a new campaign, writing a pitch or even drafting a social media post. It can save you and your client from going off course or wasting efforts.
  1. Reaching out to bloggers and social media influencers can feel a lot like dating at times. You both want to build a solid relationship, and you also want to make sure you are good fit for each other. Playing off of this theme, The Beyond PR Blog wrote a post for you to identify which suitor you would be in the dating game of blogger relations. Depending on what your needs and wants are, a short-term fling for a specific campaign or perhaps Mr. or Mrs. Right, this post lists how each kind of relationship can benefit both parties involved.
  1. Just like that cute furry vest you bought yesterday, social media trends can be in one day and out the next. Meltwater PR interviewed successful fashion blogger Jena Gambaccini on what PR professionals should know about the connections between social media and fashion branding. One helpful hint? Knowing your “style” as a brand is a must and even when you follow new social media trends, this same style and personality has to shine through.

Check back every Friday for our This Week in PR roundup to discover more PR trends and news.

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