
This Week in PR: September 18, 2015

What is native advertising and how could it affect your daily tasks? How can you leverage Snapchat and its features to promote your brand? Do you dislike Facebook’s newest options? Check out the Hoffman teams’ favorite PR blog posts from this week:

  1. Have you been wondering what trends in publishing could affect the way you do your job? PRDaily dishes on why the rise of native advertising isn’t a threat to PR, but it will change HOW you get your client’s story out to the general public. While traditional PR certainly isn’t dead, PR professionals will need to adapt to this shift by staying up-to-date on how their target publications blur the line between advertising and editorial.
  1. While everyone and their mother were obsessed with the new Snapchat filters this week, PR News was thinking about the possible brand applications of Snapchat. With statistics like stories attracting 1 billion views per day, it’s hard to argue that Snapchat isn’t worth the effort for some brands. Another popular suggestion is geofilters, an option that adds a location-specific angle to content.
  1. This summer is buzzing with celebrity scandals attached to brand names, such as the now infamous Jared Fogle and Subway incident. In response, Bulldog Reporter shared 12 secrets to protecting your brand from celebrity scandals. While a lot of smaller brands don’t have to deal with A-list celebrities, there is still a big takeaway from this article — with ANY spokesperson for the company, create a contract that sets boundaries of public behavior.
  1. The rumor of the Facebook dislike button has been circulating for years now, but this week, Mark Zuckerberg announced that it was actually going live. This could mean a world of difference not only for a 14-year-old girl, but also for data-happy marketers. The Shift Communications Blog reveals what Facebook dislikes could mean for data-driven marketers. Just because you may find out that your audience doesn’t like the content you are putting out, doesn’t mean this is something to be feared. It is simply gives you an opportunity to change content quickly to serve the wants of your target audience.
  1. Snapchat’s not the only underutilized resource for brands, Beyond PR shares the four lessons they’ve learned by tapping into Instagram’s influence. Creativity is king when it comes to this social media platform. Think of it is as a visual content marketing channel (and the favorite of many millennials to boot!). Public relations professionals must dare to be different; otherwise content will be scrolled right by in favor of an artsy coffee art picture.

Check back every Friday for our This Week in PR roundups to discover more timely PR trends and news.



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