
My Rocket Launch into PR at The Hoffman Agency

By Claire Askew, Account Coordinator

As I am reflecting on my internship here at The Hoffman Agency, I am overjoyed with all the amazing opportunities that came my way. My launch into PR was nothing short of amazing. It was the best experience I can imagine. Diving into a fast-paced agency felt overwhelming and intimidating at first, but the company culture that Hoffman offers made me feel welcomed and supported during the entire internship. Further, the internship cohort was a great, safe space to ask any and every question about PR. Jumping into the work force amid a pandemic was not something I could’ve prepared myself for, but thankfully, The Hoffman Agency made sure it was a smooth transition.

coffee cup and planner

Hands down my favorite part of the internship was collaborating and brainstorming with my team members from internal meetings all the way to developing content. My teams were quick to bring me up to speed on all things technology. From company BBQ’s to meeting up with coworkers at a local coffee shop, I have taken my skills in tech PR from slim to nothing all the way to tackling the ins and outs of all things tech. The Hoffman Agency is unique compared to other agencies because of the quality of opportunities available to interns. I jumped at the chance to write pitches and bylines, build media lists, conduct influencer research, media outreach, etc. Best part, I didn’t have to go on a single coffee run!

My best piece of advice to someone joining The Hoffman Agency or starting a career in tech PR is to not be afraid to reach out to your coworkers for advice, feedback, and support. Additionally, dive deep into your work and don’t be afraid to fail — that’s how you learn. I am forever grateful for the inspiring professional relationships and friendships I have made here at Hoffman.

I’m excited to continue growing my PR skills here at The Hoffman Agency as an Account Coordinator, and I look forward to the opportunities to come.

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