
Makeshift Desks and the “Real PR World”

By Amelia Bennett, Intern

Within these last couple of months, I have learned more than I imagined I would – that’s because the Hoffman team rocks.

work from home setup

Before I go on, I’ll get to the part you may all be curious about. Yes, I did in fact transform my wine cabinet into a stand-up desk. I wanted to purchase a normal stand-up desk, but they are quite large and in a small apartment, it wouldn’t have worked so I got creative. The wine cabinet is a bit taller than hip height and has a perfect amount of space to work on, so it became my makeshift stand-up desk! Don’t worry, I did not consume any wine; I patiently waited until 6 p.m.

I won’t lie, I was a bit apprehensive entering the professional PR world remotely. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and how it would go, and I think that all of us felt that way. However, humans have the ability to adapt, and that’s just what we did. From the very beginning, everyone at the office was offering support and kept saying “no question is a stupid question,” which put my nerves at ease. It was a smooth transition getting into the swing of things.


My favorite part of the internship so far has been the challenge of taking something black and white and transforming it into color. Taking a piece of technology and diving deeper into the story around it has enhanced my skill set tremendously. It has also given me a deeper appreciation of the technology sector and all of the things I never thought went into the business. If I were to advise others that are just starting their career in tech PR, I’d let them know that it is important to be open to taking on difficult tasks because that is the best way to grow. I’d also let them know that it’s vital to ask questions because there will be quite a few; and it is a learning process. Life would be dull and boring if we didn’t have challenges and our growth was limited in our professions or as a person.

Even though we are still working remotely, The Hoffman Agency has stayed connected, and I truly think that’s because of the people and the teams that have been created. When you’re passionate about what you do and enjoy the changing strides of PR, you’re able to stay productive and connected while being anywhere in the world. I feel very fortunate to be a part of the Hoffman team.

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