
Finding Positivity through the Unknown

By Amelia Bennett, Intern

An opportunity presented itself. It wasn’t an opportunity you could grasp, it wasn’t one you could see, but it was one you could feel – it was an opportunity for appreciation. To appreciate those around you; the ones you love, the ones who provide endless support, and especially the ones you don’t see very often.

A vicious pandemic spread throughout our fast-paced world and while we felt sad and anxious, we were ultimately forced to slow down and to appreciate the life that is often in front of our eyes that we are too busy to see.

That was the long-winded way of saying that while I wasn’t able to have a graduation, graduation pictures, or a celebration – I was given an opportunity.

Before classes had finished and graduation had commenced (virtually, of course), my boyfriend received a job in the Sunnyvale area, and I had received an internship in San Jose at The Hoffman Agency. We ventured our way from Oregon to California and began a new phase of life. While this has been a very unordinary transition from college to post-grad life, it is simply the way the world is spinning, and I’ve learned to appreciate the bumps in the road.

portland pr internship

PR spoke to me for numerous reasons. The first being, I love storytelling. I’d even love to write a book one day. Storytelling is how we communicate, it’s in our everyday lives, and we create a human connection with storytelling. Without it, our vivid connections to each other and the world would be lost. Further, I was drawn to PR because I wanted to be a voice for others and communicate for causes I believed in. 

Entering the professional world during a pandemic and onboarding remotely has its ups and its downs. However, the Hoffman team has been exceptionally welcoming, and I’ve felt supported through every step of the process! During the internship, I am excited to develop new skills and hone the skills I’ve learned throughout college and previous internships. I am also thrilled to be meeting new people while learning about technology PR with mentors.

Coming from a nutrition and exercise science family, I cannot say enough how VITAL it is to take care of your mind and body. My after-work activities correlate with my entire day because my favorite thing to do is to move my body! Before work, I begin my day with meditation as well as a light yoga sequence. Throughout the workday, I always take the time to make sure my mind and body are nourished to be efficient at work, which means integrating stretching and meditation on breaks. After work, I take a 20-minute walk and finish with a yoga sequence. I’m hoping to start yoga teacher training soon.

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