

In Search of the Chinese Dream

A Guide to Doing Business in China By Terence Nip The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong The “American dream” assures people that they can have a happy and successful life if they work hard enough. This gets me thinking: what is China’s answer to the American dream? Mr. Xi Jinping, the new General Secretary of the…

Singles Day

China’s Online Shopping Fiesta By Jason Wang The Hoffman Agency, Shanghai For people interested in China’s online shopping industry, “Singles Day” (or Guanggun Jie, literally: “bare sticks holiday”) is a must-know. Conceived by Chinese college students as a version of Valentine’s Day for people without romantic partners, “Singles Day” is similar to Cyber Monday in…

What 2013 Has in Store for Hong Kong:

Predictions on the Economy and the Role of PR in Business  By Jenny Chan The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong As the Hong Kong team sets off on a new year, we’d like to take a backward glance at what’s been going on in our market over the past 12 months and where we think the…

A Tale of Two Cities:

A Beijing PR Gal Reflects on Her Placement in Shanghai By Deborah Wang The Hoffman Agency, Beijing As a Beijing-office girl having experienced an eight-month placement at The Hoffman Agency in Shanghai, is there anyone more qualified to tell the story of a two-city life? Was I excited about my new journey? Nervous about being…

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The Internet Never Forgets:

A Personal Rant Goes Global By Bridget Kow The Hoffman Agency Singapore Last month, we took a look at some of the most cringe-worthy social media fails from around the world and learned an important lesson: the Internet never forgets. Every bad word, emotional outburst, whisper of gossip and comment is permanently documented and searchable…

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Mobile Use on the Rise in Kenya

By Esha Lotey The Hoffman Agency, London The rise of mobile phone use has always interested me. In fact, I studied how mobile communications affect our everyday lives while attending a module on “The Age of Social Media” as part of my Politics & Sociology degree. But I’d like to take a brief look at…