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PR for the 🏁
Engine of Europe.
We believe the ‘Engine of Europe’ only tells half of the story. Germany is sometimes also referred to as the Heart of Europe. It’s a term that’s about more than its geographic position.
If the heart is the organ that pumps lifeblood throughout a body, it could be argued that as Europe’s largest economy, Germany plays a similar role for mainland Europe.
We’d also suggest that ‘heart’ refers to the people of Germany, too, and that of our team.
However we can’t deny that ‘engine’ is also very much appropriate. With a significant part of Germany’s economy based around the manufacturing and automotive sectors, the use of technology is huge and continues to grow.
The Industrial Internet of Things, robotics, artificial intelligence technology, the hundreds of sensors and semiconductors contained in every new car, cloud computing and data centers … the list goes on. While Germany’s industry may once have been mechanical, today it is very much electronic.
And any technology is viewed through the lens of German sensibilities: ‘Critically curious, but cautiously optimistic.’ It’s a country focused on sustainability and renewable energy, with deep concerns about the privacy and security of its citizens’ data, and a keen focus on the ethical application of new technologies as they arrive.
As a result, Germany has one of the most thriving tech B2B media sectors in Europe (and the world). Specialist titles abound that focus not only on vertical industry sectors, but specific technologies within those verticals, with journalists who understand those sectors as well as any vendor. National journalists with a remit to cover specific industry sectors and the technology stories within them are plentiful. To fail to prepare for media engagement in Germany is very much to prepare to fail.
Luckily, the Hoffman team in Germany is here to help. Our group of PR professionals are experienced in the nuances of the B2B technology sector, working with clients to thoroughly prepare them for their first steps into Germany’s earned media, and are up to the task of extending and building on their clients’ pre-existing storytelling.
The team splits itself between Bavaria – the epicentre of Germany’s automotive sector and much of the associated technologies – and the nation’s vibrant, eclectic and dynamic capital, Berlin.
They’re also a group tightly integrated with our broader team across Europe. Whether they’d describe themselves as the heart or engine of the team would be discussion for our next Work Away Week …