
Recent Study Reveals the Best Crisis Response Strategies for Repairing Trust

Photo Credit: thorinside via Compfight cc By Sara Staffaroni The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Some might say that crisis communication is an acquired taste. While most people cringe at the thought of facing a PR crisis, others (like myself) see an opportunity to take everything we have learned from our own mistakes and those of…

The Deadly Sins of Blogger Relations

Photo Credit By Callie Gisler The Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver In recent years, bloggers have become recognized as important content producers in the digital space. They come with an established personal brand and an audience that trusts them. What’s also important is that these writers are open to the out-of-the-box ideas that grab their reader’s attention….

Going Off with a BANG — Building a Killer Media Campaign

By Giuseppina ChiaramonteThe Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s a rare thing in the world of PR when a media campaign comes together so seamlessly — it almost feels easy. When that DOES happen, it’s a thing to be celebrated. Take for instance Hoffman’s recent work for global telecoms giant, Alcatel-Lucent. Tasked with raising the company’s…

PR Worldwide: The Intern’s Journey at Hoffman Hong Kong

By Lydia LauHoffman Hong Kong It’s more than just photocopying or helping senior team members fill in expense claim forms. At Hoffman, the intern’s experience is different. Each year, Hoffman’s Hong Kong office hires a select team of interns, who have many stories to tell about their journeys with us. Most recently, Alaric Ng and…

When Your Friends Aren’t Football Fans: A Lesson on Knowing Your Audience

  By: Michelle Favalora The Hoffman Agency, San Jose It can be really easy to think about your audience in terms of what you want them to be. You might romanticize them, believing they all think and act just like you. In reality, your audience is made up of people with very diverse opinions and…

Let Me Take a Selfie … The Branded Version

By: Megan BauerThe Hoffman Agency, Portland-Vancouver The era of the #selfie is still in its infancy — even with the Oxford Dictionary naming it 2013’s word of the year. The continued momentum of this self-declared concept is currently in a time of transition — from selfies for oneself to selfies for brands. As with most…