

Six Steps To Make Sure Your PR Pitch Hits the Mark

    By Katie Oxenford The Hoffman Agency, San Jose As in any industry, PR has the good, the mediocre and the downright awful. There seems to be a growing trend of journalists taking PR pitches authored by the “downright awful” and putting them on display for the world to see. Thanks to social media,…

PR Pitch

The New Journalism: What the Media Industry Evolution Means for PR Pros

By Scott VanSickle The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Throughout my career, journalism and the media industry have been changing; and there is no end in sight. This industry transformation began with the emergence of the Internet, and the pace of change has steadily accelerated in the past decade. We have witnessed a stream of bankrupt…

Changes ahead in Journalism

The Art of Visual Storytelling

By Samson Lam The Hoffman Agency Singapore You know the old adage – a picture is worth a thousand words. This cannot ring any truer than for people working in today’s media. When I was a writer at a tech magazine, I was bombarded by press releases and pitches every day; and nothing says, “Next,…

A Very Pinterest-ing Story

How Pinterest Re-vitalizes Corporate Storytelling  By Rebecca Lansdell The Hoffman Agency, Hong Kong Sometimes a great story just jumps up and slaps you across the face. Typically these great stories come from someone close to you who’s got some major news or an out-of-the-ordinary tale to tell. All too often, major corporates and brands aren’t embracing their inner…

pinterest logo

Thanksgiving: History Shaped to Fit

By Amy Temple The Hoffman Agency, London What is Thanksgiving? A simple enough question it would seem. Or so I thought until I was asked that question by my 5-year-old daughter, an American, yes, but also British (and Canadian for that matter). So how do you tell a child about why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving without…

The Startup That Gets It

How Fancy Hands Uses Storytelling to Create a Brand Image By Sara Staffaroni The Hoffman Agency, San Jose I’ve always been a strong believer in the importance of first impressions. Since technology has re-invented how we engage in society, it seems that someone’s initial opinion of you is no longer based on how you conduct…

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