
How Do You Learn PR? Part 2.

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose Last week we chatted with Burghardt Tenderich, associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, to hear his take on the benefits of studying PR and how the changing industry impacts the Comms curriculum. This week we had the chance to catch up…

should you be a PR major?

Music Begins Where Language Ends

By Jacqueline Meyler The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   There is no doubt that within the workplace you’ll find unusual quirks and characteristics tied to each employee. The same holds true for the employees of The Hoffman Agency. When working closely with peers, it’s not uncommon to learn something new about them on a regular…

bset music to listen to while working in PR

How Do You Learn PR? Part 1.

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   Let me preface this by saying, I never studied PR. Though I entered college as a communications major, ultimately I chose “Romanticism” and “Non-fiction Writing” over “Intro to Comms.” However, I’ve often wondered about studying PR. The Internet and social media have transformed the way we…

How to Dress for a Successful PR Interview

By Michelle Favalora The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   You think you’re ready. You’ve spent hours editing your resume, stalking researching the company and preparing your LinkedIn profile, but you may have overlooked a very critical piece of the job interview puzzle – your interview outfit. Public relations professionals use creativity, organization, trending topics and…

PR job interview tips

A New Vancouver Office – the city could get confusing, eh?

By Megan Bauer The Hoffman Agency, Vancouver Almost three weeks ago, The Hoffman Agency expanded its reach by opening an office in the Pacific Northwest. The only question is: How far north are we talking? Seemingly when we mention Vancouver, are we referring to the city in Canada or Washington? This has been a question…

Jeopardy! Champ Shakes Up Status Quo. Why You Should, Too.

By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   You can learn a lot by watching Jeopardy!. I don’t mean the endless trivia that marches across the TV screen every night. What I’m talking about is the backstory of the new champion Arthur Chu. He has stirred up controversy (yes, controversy has even struck Jeopardy!)…

how jeopardy inspires creative communications