
Month: June 2013

Vis-à-vis at COMPUTEX 2013, Taipei: The Benefits of Face-to-face Communication

By Icho Saito The Hoffman Agency, Japan Taipei is a lovely city! From their ma-la (spicy) hotpot which piques your appetite even in the summer heat, to the ready-to-serve fresh fruit stalls stationed at every few blocks to quench your thirst. For the past few months, our team has been working on various projects in…

face-to-face communications

Visual Storytelling: It’s the Newest Name in the PR Game

By Giuseppina Chiaramonte The Hoffman Agency, San Jose It’s no secret that the way we interact online has gotten increasingly more visual. Take the proliferation of sites such as Instagram and Pinterest. You can even just take Facebook – remember when your profile only highlighted one picture – and it was kind of small? Now…

Adding a Different Angle to the PR Mindset

What PR and Sales Have in Common By Makoto Shirai The Hoffman Agency, Japan During my 15-year working career, one-third of that time has been spent in the IT business and rest at a PR agency. Having spent so much time in both fields, I’ve developed a personal sense on what it takes to be…

Makoto_PR and Sales

Little Secrets to Big Success:

Act Like a Journalist if You Want Their Attention By Stephen Burkhart The Hoffman Agency, San Jose   I have encountered a number of tech companies of late that have churned through a number of PR firms in the past year.  “We pay them big bucks and they don’t give us the results we expect,”…

About Public Relations: Act Like a Journalist